Sunday, May 24, 2009

Be joyful

Happiness is elusive in this life. Because it's an emotion - like sadness and anger - it comes and goes with the circumstances. Joy is different. It's the permanent condition of the heart that's right with God. It isn't based on circumstances, but rather the known outcome - eternity with God. So let us forget about the persuit of happiness and embrace joy. It won't fail us...even in the darkest days and most trying hours. Rejoice!
(adapted from the Happiness... Every Day Blessings by Barbour)
This is what I tell myself every time things seem to be out of control, actually ...well, "my" own control.
I confess I have my weakness and fears. Who doesn't?
The secret is to know when to let it be and BE JOYFUL.
Sometimes it may sounds weird or hard to follow - in our eyes, under some circumstances. But this is the moment to believe we're not alone and everything can be-will be...all right. Under God's control.

After becoming a mom myself I learned in many different ways. One of them - hard way(my own) and other, a joyful way. Today I'm glad to say I'm so blessed by having a child and getting the chance to know this.
Thank you Dear Father.
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but the heartache crushes the spirit."
Prov. 15:13
Have a great day.
Lya L.


  1. Beautiful words from a beautiful heart!!!! I read everyone of the posts on this page and left feeling God's presence (as it should be!) the cards were great too!!!!!
    Melissa (from CPA yahoo group!)
