Sunday, June 21, 2009


GOD BLESS YOU dad and my honey...LOVE YOU ALL!

The blessed girl.


Jesus said,"Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."
Matthew 6:8

God wants you to have everything you need for a great life. But sometimes we pray and things don't happen when we expect them to. You must trust that His timing is perfect. None of us live in a vacuum. Sometimes your request requires compliance on the part of other people, and they may not be prompt to respond. DON'T GIVE UP. God will answer your prayer in the perfect way at the perfect time.
(adapted from Every Day Blessings, from Barbour)

This is such a true thing. And I really believe so.
God knew my heart so well that my prayers were answered in such an amazing ways.
When I first met my husband - I felt so sure he is the answer of my prayer. For these years I had been searching and waiting for the right person to be my life's partner, I was so grateful for him and his life, like a little girl with an entire heart fully filled with sweetness and thankfulness that can only come from her lovely father, providing just what she needs.
A time after our beautiful wedding, I was once again blessed by getting the answer for my prayer...when I found out I was pregnant - carrying the little seed of our love - and everything went by in so smooth way. I meant it because I thought I was not in my best shape and healthy condition. Our little prince came to our world, bringing along joy, happiness and so many countless wonderful things that changed my life forever.

Since then Father's Day became such a special event for me.
For the great dad I have in earth, the sweet daddy my husband turned into the first day of our baby's born, and the most important - and ALWAYS...the amazing FATHER we have, watching and loving us, in ways we can't even imagine, in time we even don't know. There, forever.

THANK YOU, all of you. For keeping my life such a joy and bless!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some attitude

Hi everyone!

Today I woke up with this in my mind, and wanted to share with you:

"Be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude."

Ephesians 4:23 AMP

Your attitude can substantially affect your happiness level. It's true. When your mind is assaulted every day by "stinkin' thinkin'"- things like..."I'm not good enough - "not loved - "I'll never reach my dreams" - it's pretty tough to be happy.

On the other hand,when you think about good things - GOD THINGS - your happiness level will soar. Let's try it!

"God loves me.""God is always by my side, watching out for me, ""God has made me a winner."

Wow...what a difference it will make!

The key to a great attitude is to rise above your old ways of thinking and start thinking like God thinks. The Bible says we aren't capable of thinking God's actual thoughts. They are too high and holy. But you can think like God - raising your mind - sight to focus on the good. the right, the holy, helping and encouraging others, ways to express your thankfulness. An attitude is simply a response to what you see - keep your mind tuned in to the good.

(adapted from Every day blessings by Barbour)

Some of us constantly keep criticizing ourselves for everything. When you try your best to do something, that's a good attitude. But when time comes that ALL you do should be THE BEST - mostly better than others, like "conscientious" comparison - that definitely is what we need to avoid.

We can't be good on everything, all the time.

I have a friend that's always saying or doing something this way. And I can see how she can be frustrated in a futile manner and how the people around her see her as a "perfectionist" and not easy to get along with. The fact that she has Master Degree does not qualify her to be the best, NOT at all.

Well...I don't want to be judgemental either. But I'm sure that a good attitude is to think how blessed we are for what we are and what we have. That's a good one.

By saying so, what's yours today?


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Comfort for broken hearts

What happened to the Air France Flight 447 really made me feel how precious, yet fragile, we are as humankind. Mostly the people even have no idea how susceptible they are in all aspects of their lives. And how blessed we can be, just being what we are, with people we care about, doing something we appreciate. In a very ordinary and simple way.

I felt very - deeply sad when I saw on TV the confirmation of the airplane crash into the Atlantic. Even though I was already convinced that the 228 passengers wouldn't get chances giving the situation. But as any other one with a hopeful heart - I really wished to hear about some kind of "miracles" for those people.

Well...I'm attached to things related to Brazil ...not only because I have lots of friends and relatives living there, but the friendly people, amazing beaches, the diversity in a rich manner.
And news like this is actually like a horror movie playing true.

The fact of the flight ended in such tragic way really shocked me. With people from so different countries and backgrounds - leaving behind lots of crying hearts - women (wives, daughters, mothers and good friends...) who lost their love ones.

So I have a thought. Let's pray for their comfort. No matter if you're a stranger or a friend to those people. Just let us think of them and pray that God, make them find His Comforter inside of them. Because He hears every cry.

God has given us another gift filled with His love and comfort - the holy scriptures. As you read about Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Esther, Ruth, Job, David, Elijah, Mary, and Paul, we'll see how God comforted them in their darkest hours. He will certainly do the same for us. Be encouraged. Place the hope in His Goodness. He will comfort His children, and we can be sure of that.
(adapted from Every Day Blessings - from Barbour)

The Lord will hear you crying, and he will comfort you. When he hears you, he will help you.
Isaiah 30:19 ncv

May God touch your heart today.

Lya L.